15 oktober 2020
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The Real Estate Agency of Curacao tells: It’s understandable to feel rushed in today’s hot real estate market.

But buying a home isn’t a decision you should make lightly — no matter how many other bidders you may be up against.

Making rash homebuying decisions could have serious consequences: You might spend too much, buy a home that doesn’t fit your needs or make a bad investment.

Want to make sure you’re making the right choice in your home search? Here’s how you should handle it.

  1. Know your wants and needs.
    Before diving into your home search, it’s essential to have detailed “must-have” and “nice-to-have” lists. You need to know what you’re willing to compromise on — and what’s nonnegotiable, especially when you’re up against other buyers.
  2. Lean on your homebuying pros.
    Real estate agents, loan officers, and other industry partners know the market inside and out. We can help you stay on track and find what you need, regardless of how competitive the local landscape might be.
  3. Be aware of your deal breakers.
    If there are features, layouts or other things you do not want in a home, be absolutely clear on what those are. You need to recognize those items, weed them out and steer clear of those properties from the start. But sometimes it can be interesting to keep an open mind. Trust your real estate agent ( at least we know you can with International Fine Living, read also our reviews) and let her surprise you.
  4. Know your budget, and give yourself wiggle room.
    Have a clear picture of just how much you can spend (monthly and upfront), and be careful to give yourself a good buffer in case of unexpected costs. Try building a detailed spending spreadsheet — be sure to include things like your down payment, closing costs, utility deposits, moving and more.

Take into account that on Curacao according to law, you have the right on a 3 days reconsideration period, after you have purchased real estate. This is only applicable for private persons.  This means that you can terminate the contract in that period without any given reason. In the 16 year that we are realtors on Curacao, this never happend. You know why? We never ‘sell’ real estate to you. We just show you the opportunities and advice you,  having your interests in mind. Service with a smile.

Get in touch today if you’re ready to find a home you’ll love on our fantastic island!

This article was published in the series : The Real Estate Agency of Curacao tells.


International Fine Living does its best to inform people who buy a house on Curaçao or sell a house as well as possible. Unfortunately, our time is also limited and we will not always be able to publish the latest updates. We therefore always recommend that you verify the information provided. A special warning for all English text; the official language spoken on Curaçao is Dutch and Papiamento, please take into account that translation errors to English might occur.

Categorieën: Curaçao Real Estate, News

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